Jokes aside: I am really excited about my assessment at Swiss International Air Lines. I applied for a job as a Cabin Crew Member in August and tomorrow, they will be picking their attendees for the training. I offered them to bring in my knowledge of a few languages I learnt throughout the times I went to school or travelled countries. So they kindly invited me to tomorrow's check-up-day.
As for the wardrobe: "Correct clothing and a well-groomed appearance are welcome" is what they write in the invitation.
So I decided I'd go for a dark blue suit underlined by a checked, clear-blue shirt with single cuffs and a two-tone red striped tie. To set an accent, I chose an off-pattern, slightly lighter red handkerchief for my breast pocket.
Let's keep fingers crossed everything goes well tomorrow and they find whom they are looking for as Cabin Crew Members. It would be very pleasant if I was included in their final choice.
The character suiting is "Mianshi" for "interview, audition".
"Mian" on the left is the common term for a human's face, also included in "lose face", "diulian" (god beware that happening tomorrow). "Shi" is generally used for "test" "try" as in "kaoshi" for exam.
That means they will be examine my face tomorrow. That makes it sound like back in the days at Swiss Armed Forces where the corporal used to stand two inches away from me and searched for remaining facial hair on my cheek. I'll make sure I will be well shaved and my hair nicely combed tomorrow.
And for those missing today's cigar: I'll enjoy it after the interview. I promise.
Update Friday, Oct. 23:
As promised, I got my cigar later that day. The interview went well and I met some very friendly co-workers-to-be (hopefully). We were six invited, of which I was the only gentleman.
The whole interview and test-process was more demanding than I had imagined, which explains that the after-work-cigar had to be a little bigger than usual.
I was suggested a "Ramon Allones Gigantes" by Maggy, the best-looking representative of La Corona's Staff.
"Gigantes" is "Double Corona"-sized. That means you get a 49-diameter (19mm) smoke with a length of 194 mm, or two hours, or: quite a few puffs.
Beautiful and impressing cigar with lots of taste right from the beginning. The dark-brown, oily wrapper was a pleasure to hold and its rich aromatics came in just right for unwinding.
The cigar was accompanied by a scottish single-malt whisky also chosen for me by Maggy.
Oh, and: I'll get the interview's result by wednesday next week. I'll let you know.